Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO), also known as white spirit or petroleum spirits, is a clear, water-white, petroleum-derived liquid that is used as a solvent in many industries: Paint industry: A raw material for paints and varnishes Cleaning: A solvent for dry cleaning, degreasing, and removing dirt, grease, and oil Textile printing: A solvent for printing with pigment colors Polish manufacture: A carrier for oil-soluble waxes and resins Rust preventives: A thinner for oil-soluble rust preventives Aerosols: A solvent in aerosols Wood preservatives: A solvent in wood preservatives Asphalt products: A solvent in asphalt products. MTO is made by distilling petroleum raw materials, and is mainly composed of volatile fractions, naphthenic, paraffinic, and aromatic hydrocarbons.
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