Gudi Padwa (Hindu New Year) This year, Gudi Padwa will be observed on April 2. Gudi denotes Lord Brahma's flag, while Padwa stands for the first day of a new Moon phase. Apart from being the day when Lord Brahma created the universe, it is also the day when Lord Rama was crowned after defeating Ravana, according to legend. “SHAIKH PETROLEUM” is one of the reliable names in the Oil & Petroleum Market in Bharuch Dist. Shaikh Petroleum is wholesale & Retail Suppliers of Light Diesel Oil (L.D.O.) & Furnace Oil (F.O) C9 C10 & MTO. We supply our Products in India: 1. Bharuch 2. Ahmedabad 3. Surat 4. Vapi 5. Vadodara 6.Valsad 7.Ankleshwar 8.Jamnagar 9.Rajkot 10.Bhavnagar 11.Dahej For Know More Visit our Business Mentioned Link: Like Our Facebook Page: Follow Us On Instagram : Follow Us On Twitter : Follow Us On LinkedIn : Visit Our Official Website & Email Mobile :9898970097 #MundraPort #Deendayal PortTrus t#ParadipPort Authority #JawaharlalNehruPortTrust #VisakhapatnamPortTrust #MumbaiPortTrust #SyamaPrasadMookerjeePortTrust #ChennaiPortTrust #NewMangaluruPortTrust #V.O. ChidambaranarPortTrus t#CochinPortTrust #KamarajarPortLimited#MormugaoPortTrust
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